1. Stephen Smith is the defence minister in the Australian government and is in charge with matters relating to Australias defence and armed forces
2. The Brookings institute is an American organisation made to find ways to strengthen American democracy, foster economic and social welfare and secure a more open, safe, prosperous and cooperative international system
3. Austrlia's security arrangements rely heavily on the US for the nations defence against any invasion or large war. Strategicaly the US needs Australia to back it in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places in the Middle East as well as giving it a base of operations in South East Asia.
4. Australia is in the perfect spot for America to set up navy stop off points bridging the gap between the Pacific and the Indian oceans. It is also a good spot to keep an eye on developing powers like China, India and Indonesia in a stable environment
5. In the past 50 years Australia has supported this alliance by fighting in the Korean war, the Vietnam war, the first and second Gulf wars as well as giving them access to various test ranges and bases.
6. There are 9000 companies who work within the US and have an average wage of $63490
7. He uses this to highlight the point that Australia helps the US as much as the US helps Australia economically
8. America is the superpower supporting Australias interests in the region and is a large deterant to anti-Australian regimes in the region
9. Australia is trying to foster closer ties with the US which will help with Australias global goals
10. As Australia is an important Western democracy in the region its ties with the worlds most powerful democracy and largest economy will help us foster relationships with other countries and protect us from attack
1. The US wants to build military bases in Northern Auustralia and have more access to Australias military ranges. This will help build the relationship between Australia and the US as well as working as a deterant to other nations
2. The agreement will help with training exercises between our forces and will help battlefield coordination in places like Afganistahn and Iraq
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